HS2CCC通过允许你在完成高中教育的同时选修大学学分课程,为你在大学里提供一个良好的开端. Jump-starting college can save you time and money, help you become familiar with college-level work, and give you a chance to explore career interests. CCC为高中生提供三种获得大学学分的选择, Dual Enrollment, and the Coconino Association for Vocations, Industry and Technology (CAVIAT). 你可以转通识教育课程,以满足副学士学位的低级别通识教育要求. Then, 你可以将这些学分转换为完成学士学位或获得职业认证.
Concurrent Enrollment
Dual Enrollment
Participating High Schools and Dual Enrollment Contacts
Comparison Chart
Dual Enrollment |
Concurrent Enrollment | |
Where are the classes located? |
High school campus |
CCC孤树、第四街、佩奇校区或通过远程学习的方式 |
Which students are eligible? |
High school-age students in participating high schools |
K-12 students - 请注意:学生可以在没有事先批准的情况下学习最多6个学分 |
Who pays for tuition? |
There is a College tuition waiver for all CTE and A&S courses, so zero cost to the student |
Student pays current CCC tuition fees directly to the College |
Who teaches the courses? |
经学院认可,符合高等教育委员会资格认证和课程标准的高中教师 |
CCC instructors |
When are the courses? |
During the high school day |
无论何时,只要CCC课程是根据当前学院的课程表开设的 |
What courses can you take? |
课程因高中而异(取决于CCC与高中之间的协议) |
学生可以在CCC学习任何符合先决条件的课程. 建议由学校辅导员对课程进行复查 |
Who do I contact with questions? |
What is the difference between Dual Enrollment and AP courses?
Dual Enrollment |
Advanced Placement | |
College Transfer |
必须参加最终的AP考试,成绩为4或5分(取决于学生选择的学院/大学). Acceptance varies university to university
Financial |
Dual Enrollment for A&S的学费比普通大学课程低得多,让学生以最小的成本获得良好的开端. CTE courses have no tuition cost. |
The cost of the AP exam or multiple AP exams |
There is no weight grade or multiple in GPA. |
Multiplier in GPA = Weighted Grade |
Other Benefits |
Access to CCC Student Services, Mountain Line pass, familiarity with 2+2, evidence that DE supports post high school education |
Boost GPA, preferential selection, AP scholarships
Final Grade |
学生在高中DE课上获得的分数会出现在他们的大学成绩单上. 对于大多数课程,学生有整整一学年的时间来吸收大学里一个学期的内容
Frequently Asked Questions
Do my grades go on my college transcript?
通过任何HS2CCC项目的课程都被视为正规的大学课程. Grades will go on your permanent college transcript.
What courses can I take with Dual Enrollment?
Please refer to the Courses Offered PDF within the Dual Enrollment section.
What about placement testing?
Details about CCC's course placement policy can be found on our Course Placement page.
对学生来说,做出明智的自我定位决定很重要. 关于自我定位的不恰当决定可能会影响你完成证书或学位所需的时间, 并且可能会影响你获得经济援助和/或奖学金的能力. 强烈鼓励学生与学术顾问会面,讨论课程选择并确定适当的自我安排. For more information, visit our Academic Advising page.
You can use the Self-Placement Grid 根据你的高中成绩和平均绩点来决定你应该选择哪门数学/英语课程, ACT/SAT test scores, ACCUPLACER test scores, and GED scores. 请与你的高中辅导员讨论合适的课程安排.
How many credits can I earn?
在高中期间,你可以通过HS2CCC获得的学分数量没有限制. 然而,作为一名同步学生,你每学期最多可以获得8个学分. 如果你想在一个学期内获得超过8个学分, you would need CCC Registrar approval.
How do I send my transcripts to another college?
有关如何从CCC申请大学成绩单的一步一步指导,请访问 How to Order a Transcript page.
How do Dual Enrollment credits transfer?
通过双注册提供的大多数课程都可以转到亚利桑那州的其他学院和大学. You can check to see if your course is transferable by visiting AZTransfer . 如果你打算上一所州外的学院或大学, 请咨询一下你的学分如何转移.
How do I register for classes?
双重注册课程的注册是通过CCC招生顾问在访问您的高中时完成的. Registration for CAVIAT courses is done through CAVIAT staff. 对并行课程感兴趣的学生可以在我们任何一个校区的注册处在线注册.
Who is eligible to take Dual Enrollment Courses?
双招生课程适用于高中三年级和高年级学生, 在招生和注册过程中谁优先. 根据空间的可用性,课程可能对大一和大二的学生开放.
How much do Dual Enrollment courses cost?
Arts and Sciences (A&S) courses are $15 per credit hour. 职业和技术教育(CTE)课程获得全额学费减免.
双录取很棒,因为它允许我在高中上课的同时获得大学学分, and I only had to pay a fraction of the cost. CAVIAT也是一次很棒的经历,让我获得了学前健康证书. - Abigail Garland
I graduated Coconino with 31 college credits. 一路上有很多教授非常愿意帮助和支持我. - Anijah Pablo
Sr. Manager of Admissions and High School Programs
Contact Form
HS2CCC Program Coordinator
Contact Form
Questions regarding curriculum, faculty or college departments: | |
Mark Maciha |
Jennifer Jameson |